Two Farmers Simultaneously Make Remarkable Discoveries In Different Parts Of The World

Farming frequently involves digging and surveying the land. It’s not every day that a farmer stumbles upon something incredible while they’re working in their field. Yet somehow, at the same time, two farmers in different parts of the world made incredible discoveries from thousands of years ago on their respective properties. Little did these two farmers know that their findings would coincide with each other’s and teach us all how little we actually know about what’s beneath our feet.

It All Started on Christmas Morning

In Argentina on December 25, 2015, Jose Antonio Nievas woke up and decided to take a stroll on his ranch as a nice start to his holiday. As he walked past the stream that runs through his property, he couldn’t help but notice something strange sticking out from the bank.

At first, he thought it was nothing more than a large stone. But as he approached the object, he realized that it wasn’t a stone at all, but something entirely different.

He Called His Wife

Called His Wife Although hesitant at first, Jose decided to get a closer look at the mysterious object. He then began digging the object out of the mud so he could better understand what the stone-like mass was.

After he had successfully removed all of the mud from the object, he quickly called his wife, Reina, to come and have a look. He hoped that maybe she would have some explanation for what he had found.

They Worked Together

They Worked Together Reina had no clue what her husband had stumbled upon either. However, they were both determined to find out. Together they continued to unearth and clean the object.

Luckily, they had the proper tools for the job so they didn’t end up damaging the unknown object in the process. It didn’t take them long to realize just how large it was. At that point, they decided that they were going to need help, and called the police.

Other Locals Began To Show Up

By the time Jose and his wife had called the police, more and more people had begun to show up, curious about what they had found. It seemed like the whole city had come to be part of the investigation.

When the police arrived, they couldn’t figure out what it was either. The police were just as clueless as Jose, his wife, and the rest of the locals that had gathered.

Their Dog Sensed Something

It didn’t take long for Jose’s dog to take notice of all the action and head over to the site. The dog appeared stunned at first and began sniffing and barking until it finally made its way closer to the mysterious object.

It’s a known fact that we should pay attention to the behavior of animals because they tend to pick up on things that most humans can’t. The fact that the dog was behaving in such a bizarre manner proved that this was no ordinary rock.

They Called In Professionals

After seeing Jose’s dog’s reaction, the police decided that it was time to call two local professional archaeologists. After examining what Jose had discovered, the archaeologists concurred that the massive object was from a different time and that it was undoubtedly ancient.

Of course, they couldn’t learn anything more by keeping it in the mud and water. So, the archeologists arranged a way to transport the object so that it could be examined in a laboratory.

Let The Digging Begin

To transport the object, the archaeologists had to first dig it out of the mud. Even though Jose and his wife had put in a lot of work, there was still much to be done. Plus, they didn’t want to risk damaging any part of it.

As they were digging, they noticed that the exterior was made out of foreign, hard material. Now, the archeologists knew they needed to study it as soon as possible and shipped it off to the lab.

Back In The Lab

Once the object arrived at the lab, they began running tests to find what in the world had been found on Jose’s property. Using a microscope, they began closely examining it only to make a shocking discovery.

They came to the amazing realization that what they were looking at was the fossil of an enormous turtle shell. The archeologists couldn’t believe what they were seeing. Thankfully, Jose had been curious enough to investigate!

They Finally Figured Out Exactly What The Shell Was

Back In Argentina Researchers finally deduced what exactly the object in Jose’s farm was. The findings turned out to be incredible. While Jose was on his Christmas morning walk, he had stumbled upon the fossilized shell of a glyptodon.

Glyptodons are extinct creatures and relatives of modern-day armadillos. They walked the earth around the same time as the dinosaurs. The scientists couldn’t believe that this amazing find was just sitting on Jose’s property!

A Monster Found In Michigan

While the investigation of the massive turtle shell was underway in Argentina, another incredible discovery was made in Michigan, thousands of miles away. Another farmer, James Bristle, found an unknown historic specimen on his farm as well!

At the time, the two farmers did not know each other or that they had both found something incredible. They also certainly couldn’t have known that both their miraculous findings would eventually bring them together in an incredible turn of events.

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